A padded top divan base VS a sprung edge divan base: which is better?
We’re sure that on your journey to finding the perfect bed for you (or maybe you were just doing some casual browsing!) you’ve come across mysterious terms like ‘padded top divan base’ or ‘sprung edge divan base’. But what exactly do these mean? Are they even relevant to you? Or would you be better off not knowing? Well, here at Furnitureful we’ve decided to take the plunge and go ahead and cover these bed-base related terms to help you and all our other customers out. So, without further ado, let’s get into it!
What is a padded top divan bed base?
A padded top divan bed base is typically characterised by being very firm, giving you a very comfortable night time’s sleep and experience. This bed base is made from a strong timber and a panel top that contains no springs. It’s also known as a ‘hard top’ or a ’board top’ (no points for guessing why!) and is ideal for those with back problems because it will help keep your spine nicely aligned. Divan bed bases can be really fantastic for those who don’t have much space because it can provide an excellent space for storage.
On the other hand, Ottoman storage beds are an even more popular choice of bed and are widely available in today’s market. For example, check out Furnitureful's grey upholstered Ottoman storage bed here if you’re looking for the ultimate storage solution.
What is a sprung edge divan base?
A sprung edge divan base is another type of divan bed base that features springs that run all the way across the base. As with the firm edge base, this base offers cushioned support and is ideal for those looking for a medium firm sleeping experience whilst still having plenty of adequate support.
So, now that we’ve looked at both, which do you prefer? Comment down below and good luck bed hunting!
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