Signs That You Need More Sleep
Signs That You Need More Sleep
Do you feel as though you need more sleep? Sometimes you feel as if you do, or are fine and later feel tired. 4 signs tell you you need more sleep.
Adults do not get the required amount of sleep as they ought to, which is a big problem. Not only does this lead to sleep deprivation, but it can also make your day to day life more difficult as well as deteriorate your health.
There's more to being deprived of sleep than feeling exhausted throughout the day. Before we look into how sleep deprivation can impact your body and health, we will analyse the signs of sleep deprivation.
Signs of sleep deprivation
It's easier to tell if you're sleeping badly compared to whether or not you are getting decent sleep at night.
The following signs may indicate to you as to whether or not your sleeping needs are being fulfilled:
You feel unfocused and sleepy during the day
Taking longer to go to sleep than usual or you fall asleep within a few minutes of lying down
Waking up during the middle of the night and being unable to go back to sleep
Feeling more distressed and emotional when you're awake
Being sleep deprived or having poor-quality sleep will make it more difficult to wake up feeling energetic and refreshed.

Under sleeping vs oversleeping – both are equally as bad...
Under sleeping is equally bad as oversleeping. Under sleeping will lead to insomnia and not getting sufficient sleep or too much of it will lead to a sleeping disorder. This is not the same as when you oversleep one night and are sleep deprived the next. However, constant oversleeping indicate signs of underlying health conditions that should not go unnoticed.
Signs that you may be oversleeping:
Excessive sleeping for more than the recommended 7-9 hours every night
Struggling to wake up and get out of bed in the mornings
Feeling worn out, knackered and unable to focus during the day
Hypersomnia can be conveyed as a sign of derepression, dominantly teens and young adults. It could suggest underlying sleep disorders, for example, narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and restless leg syndrome (RLS).
Nevertheless, there is a possibility that you can suffer from both, insomnia and hypersomnia at the same time; thus, it is essential to get yourself tested for sleep disorders.
Signs you need more sleep
Lacking sleep can affect your body in multiple ways and being tired is not the only sign to tell you this. So if you are going through any of the symptoms listed below then it may be an indication that you require more sleep.
You are dehydrated
Drinking excessive water can lead to waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. On the other hand, an inadequate amount of sleep can make you thirsty.
One study demonstrated a causal link and association between short periods of sleep with the probability of insufficient hydration.
The reason for this may be the hormone vasopressin which our body produces during late sleep time to prevent thirst and dehydration. Nevertheless, disturbed sleep can impact the release of this hormone which can make you more vulnerable to dehydration.
You crave junk food
Insufficient sleep can alter the production of an appetite-stimulating hormone known as ghrelin and decrease the production of leptin which tells your body when it's full. So, there is an association between being sleep deprived and weight gain.
Sleep deprivation will lead to more snacking during the day and are therefore less likely to work out.
You feel uneasy
Sleep is interlinked with mental health and share a cyclic relationship.
Feeling low or uneasy can negatively impact your sleeping cycle and insufficient sleep can result in feeling distressed and anxious.
Mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression are associated with sleeping problems. Statistics reveal that approximately between 50-19 of psychiatric patients with disorders also suffer from insomnia. However, the overall health and the functioning of your brain is dependent on a good night's sleep.
Adequate rapid eye movement, also known as REM sleep allows the processing of the brain to acknowledge emotional data, influencing your critical thinking ability, memory and mood.
Your sleep health consists of mental, physical and psychological factors. So, if there is a problem with one then it is likely that you will be having a problem with another. Thus, this suggests that treating one can better the general quality of your life.
You fall asleep straight away
If you are taking longer than 30 minutes to fall asleep then this could mean that you are not getting enough sleep. The ability to fall asleep quicker is considered a good thing but falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow could be a bad indication.
It should take roughly between 10-20 minutes to fall asleep every night. If you fall asleep quicker than that then this could potentially indicate chronic sleep deprivation, tiredness and fatigue.
How to get better sleep
You do not have to deal with sleep problems and can improve your symptoms and have a better night's sleep but change some of your sleeping habits. You may start by considering the following:
Have a journal to keep track of what time you sleep, wake up, your habits and any issues with sleeping at night.
Have a nap in the daytime but not close to the time you sleep at night or for a long duration of time.
Stick to a routine for instance go sleep and wake up at the same times every day
Improve your sleep hygiene
Make sure to put aside any devices such as mobile phones, laptops, iPads, tablets and avoid watching TV while in bed.
Make sure you have a mattress that is comfortable and tends to your needs.
Ensuring a good night sleep is crucial for your health. If making changes does not help you get a night of better sleep then you may get into contact with your doctor or a sleep expert to provide you with some guidance. If needed then they can check to see if you have any sleep disorders. Sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and insomnia can be a result of sleep deprivation.
Being unable to get sufficient sleep is directly linked to your health which will affect your body in several negative ways. It may strike you as to how much a better night's sleep can positively combat your overall health.
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