Which John Lewis sofa bed is the best?
Which John Lewis sofa bed is the best?
Looking for the best sofa bed? As over the years, our homes have changed and become more multi-functional spaces, more of us are turning towards sofa beds to make the best of the space within our home.Why dedicate an entire spare room to use as a guest bedroom? When instead you can swap a guest bed for a multi-functional sofa bed. Multi-functional meaning that you can create a work-from-home office or even a playroom for your children, Wondering how can this be done? Well, this can all be done when guests come over to stay by simply pulling out the sofa bed.
However, if your home doesn’t have a spare room then adding a sofa bed to your living room is good enough too. As you can use the same sofa bed for yourself as seating and you can use it for guests for sleeping too.
Nevertheless, not all sofa beds are created the same as they come in different sizes, designs etc. Therefore, in this guide, we aim to help you find the very best option for your home.
According to The Sun (2022), The Clapton sofa bed from John Lewis is a great option and it comes in a mustard yellow colour too.
The Clapton sofa bed is a simple but trendy too and is in an eye catching yellow mustard colour and in a velvet material. The sofa bed has two seating and is compact for smaller spaces in your home, leaving enough space for decor within your home.
The mattress of the sofa bed is made of foam and moulds according to your body shape during sleeping, which makes it extra comfortable for your guests when they rest.
Also, don’t worry about the original shape changing due to how your guests sleep as the mattress of the sofa bed will change back to the original shape when not in use.
Another benefit of the John Lewis sofa bed is that it is easy to unfold for when you need the sofa bed, and locks into it’s place when you don’t need to use the sofa bed.
Also, if you’d prefer a different colour instead of mustard yellow in your sofa bed then there is a range of other colours too on their website at: ANYDAY John Lewis & Partners Clapton Fixed Back Sofa Bed, Light Leg, Fraser Teal at John Lewis & Partners.
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