Mattress Protector Vs Mattress Pad

Mattress Protector Vs Mattress Pad 

What is a mattress protector?

A mattress protector is what the name suggests, a mattress protector protects the mattress. Often there are a lot of accidents that can happen of your mattress that can ruin your mattress or shorten its lifespan overtime, using a mattress protector can minimise these damages or stop the accident from damaging your mattress at all by protecting it. Mattress protectors are important as they can protect your mattress from so many different things such as allergens, overheating, liquids and stains, dust mites, bed bugs, bacteria, and more.  

What is a mattress pad?  

A mattress pad is a thin layer that adds on to the already existing comfort, preservation or support of your bed, therefore meaning that a mattress pad is a range of different products. Typically, a mattress pad would be placed on top of a mattress beneath everything else that would go on top of a mattress such as, mattress toppers, protects sheets and more. Mattress pads come in many different materials some e=including down, cotton, wool, latex, memory foam and polyester, these different materials usually serve for different purposes so you would pick your mattress pad depending on what you are looking for in a mattress pad.  

Since mattress pads is pretty much the umbrella term for a wide range of different products there's a lot that a mattress pad can do, a mattress pad can help regulate the temperate of your mattress, it can help decrease the daily damages of the wear and tear of a mattress therefore increasing the lifespan of your mattress. A mattress pad provides you with extra comfort and support, it is breathable and mattress pads are anti-allergen therefore keepings away the allergies which is important for those who may be sensitivity towards them.  

When it comes to which is better of which out of the two you should choose, it is a little difficult because although they both have some similarities such as they both have hypoallergenic protection and that they both are good at regulating the temperate of the mattress they still have quite a lot of differences. So, when it comes to versing one another, it isn't fair as they both offer different qualities, nonetheless their differences mean that you can choose a mattress protector and a mattress pad of your choice and use them both together getting the best of both of these products.  

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