What Bed Frame Should I Get?

What bed frame should I get 

Are you looking for a new bed and not sure what to get? Well buying a new bed frame seems simple until you start shopping and notice the number of options available. Since the main purpose of the bed frame is to support your mattress, you want to make sure you pick the right bed frame suited to you. 

Types of bed frames 

  • Platform bed frames 
  • Sleigh bed frames 
  • Storage bed frames 
  • Upholstered bed frames 
  • Canopy bed frame 
  • Bunk bed frame 
  • Day beds 

Factors to look out for when picking a bed frame 

  • Material 
  • Construction 
  • Support 
  • Stability 

Are you on a budget? 

If you are on a budget then it narrows down to what bed frame you should pick as some bed frames tend to cost more.

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